
Wednesday 12 October 2016

Cross Country

Cross Country

Today, we went to Strathallan to take part in the Cross Country. At Strathallan there were heaps of schools we had to race.

They were hard to race. When we were pushing through the course I was trying my best to pass a boy who came from St Mary's. He kept on running past me. It was quite annoying to see. I waited till he began walking then I took the moment to sprint past him!

At the end I felt so proud of the Year 8 boys from my school.

So my next step is to make sure I get fitter.

My highlight for the day was when we were trying our best to get to the top ten runners.

My lowlight was we never quite make it to the top ten.   

The Three Little Pigs

Monday 5th September 2016

We are learning how to write a persuasive piece of writing.

The Three Little Pigs

I agree, The wolf is the real victim in this story. In this story I’m going to show you evidence that will tell you why the wolf is the real victim.

The wolf is the real victim to my story, the wolf had a question to ask the little pigs and the little pigs ignored him. So….. that's why the wolf huffed and puffed their houses down.

The three little pigs were being bullies to the wolf.

The wolf asked a question politely but still the pigs didn’t listen to him the pigs are bullies, they got cheeky, silly and were being annoying to the wolf.

A couple minutes later the wolf came back, so the wolf went down the chimney and landed in a pot. The first reaction I would do is to jump out of the water.

In conclusion, the three little pigs were getting cheeky and silly to the wolf. The wolf might of been angry about the pigs being cheeky and silly.

The Olympic Games Rio,Brazil.

We were learning about the Rio Olympics. We had to do five tasks about the Olympics .